AMOHapp offers information on breast cancer, gynecological cancer (ovary, cervix, vagina...) and hereditary cancer, for patients who have or have had cancer, as well as for carriers of a genetic mutation that can cause the disease. In a very practical and concise way, in an informal and understandable language, oncology, surgery and genetic counseling professionals will answer all our questions to offer you a reference for these types of cancer.When you are diagnosed with breast or gynecological cancer, or that you are a carrier of a genetic mutation, your world stops, it is as if you were taken down from it, our goal is to get back on the world so that you can continue with your life.What is cancer? Are you going to die? What treatments are applied? How to say it to your environment? What surgeries exist and what are their objectives? What does it mean to be a carrier of a genetic mutation? What is the genetic study? and many more questions, are answered by professionals to help you situate yourself in your new environment and have the necessary information so that you can treat your case with your doctor.AMOHapp is a content application that aims to offer you as much knowledge as possible about breast, gynecological and hereditary cancer so that you can manage your new situation and be part of the management of your case.